Finding the Right ZIPPY Personal Loan for Your Needs

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Business and Corporations, Financial Advisement, Government, Personal Finance, Taxes | Posted on 09-03-2016

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Let’s be honest here: those ‘personal loans’ we keep hearing about get a nasty bad rep in the financial arena, for obvious reasons. Either you can’t ever get approved for one, or they get you into more trouble than you’re already in. So generally speaking, many frown on the American institution known as the personal loan. […]

The post Finding the Right ZIPPY Personal Loan for Your Needs appeared first on THE INCOME TAX PLANNING NETWORK.

The post Finding the Right ZIPPY Personal Loan for Your Needs appeared first on Independent Credit Solutions.

The post Finding the Right ZIPPY Personal Loan for Your Needs appeared first on Cloud Based Bookkeeping.




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Credit Card Chip Technology: It’s Going to Take Awhile

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Business and Corporations, Financial Advisement, Government, Personal Finance, Taxes | Posted on 10-02-2016

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As seen here, the expectation is people may be wary about the whole credit card switch thing from magnetized strip to tiny computer chip (especially with credit card fraud always being a problem) despite these three reasons why we shouldn’t be scared. We’re protective over our plastic! However, fear not: this isn’t a change that’s […]

The post Credit Card Chip Technology: It’s Going to Take Awhile appeared first on THE INCOME TAX PLANNING NETWORK.

The post Credit Card Chip Technology: It’s Going to Take Awhile appeared first on Independent Credit Solutions.

The post Credit Card Chip Technology: It’s Going to Take Awhile appeared first on Cloud Based Bookkeeping.




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Get the #Crowdfunding Backing You Need With #Peerbackers #Business   #startups  see stars today …

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Business and Corporations, Financial Advisement, Government, Personal Finance, Taxes | Posted on 23-01-2016

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Get the #Crowdfunding Backing You Need With #Peerbackers

#Business   #startups  see stars today with finances. Why? All because of platforms like Peerbackers with the primary focus being the entrepreneurial landscape and innovation for business. But it's not just funding they provide:

Peerbackers even provides consultation services, marketing and media production to help promote your business to investors looking to fork over their money for a successful venture. Think about it — a lot of gurus out there are looking for businesses that will skyrocket — a 'small' investment would be enough to make a ton of money for them, and a living for you!

5 Kickstarter Alternatives for Business Startup Crowdfunding

Don’t get us wrong; we love Kickstarter for crowdfunding. But when it comes to business startup crowdfunding, we need something more corporate focused.

The post Get the #Crowdfunding Backing You Need With #Peerbackers #Business   #startups  see stars today … appeared first on Cloud Based Bookkeeping.




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#PopeFrancis: a Message of Love and…. INTOLERANCE? Specifically, the issue of same-sex marriage…

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Business and Corporations, Financial Advisement, Government, Personal Finance, Taxes | Posted on 23-01-2016

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#PopeFrancis: a Message of Love and…. INTOLERANCE?

Specifically, the issue of same-sex marriages — something that currently stirs plenty of emotions in the United States — is a bit of a massive roller coaster ride for one Pope Francis, not that many popes of the past would disagree with his stance as well.

Obviously, according to the Christian religion, homosexuality is a sin. However, acceptance and love of those who are homosexual are NOT. You begin to wonder, though, where exactly the line falls for the likes of Pope Francis, having expressed the same love and acceptance for all homosexuals, because here's the thing about him:

He does oppose same-sex marriages. Seriously, in fact. He opposes it so much that he immediately opposed the bill introduced back in 2010 for the country of Argentina. He was actually VERBAL about it.

This could address even more issues here in the U.S. regarding his stance, because as we know: change is apparent here when it involves same-sex marriage. You then start to wonder just what Pope Francis would even think about the United States knowing that so many of our states approve such an institution….

4 Issues Pope Francis May Influence in Today’s Legal Arena

It’s a grand scale of change — for the Vatican and for the world, thanks to Pope Francis’ unique stand on these issues. Radically different? Find out!

The post #PopeFrancis: a Message of Love and…. INTOLERANCE? Specifically, the issue of same-sex marriage… appeared first on Cloud Based Bookkeeping.




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Little Bo Peep’s Guide to Starting a Business

Posted by wpadmin | Posted in Business and Corporations | Posted on 08-06-2015

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Sheep: that’s what they all are, right? The 9-5’ers, the grateful “baa baa’s” of the mindless workers punching in and punching out. You can imagine, though, that those sheep would love to break out of the mold and leap the fence. To what end, though? How about starting a business?

Stаrting a business is one оf the bеѕt things you can dо tо ѕесurе your financial futurе аnd independence. A buѕinеѕѕ оf уоur оwn iѕ оnе оf thе best wауѕ to еnjоу finаnсiаl freedom аnd turn your passion оr hobby into a lucrative еаrning орроrtunitу. Ask any sheep about whether or not they’d love that!

Things to Consider Before Stаrting a Buѕinеѕѕ

business bo peep

Whether уоu are ѕtаrting a buѕinеѕѕ on a part-timе оr full-timе bаѕiѕ, it is important to consider a fеw thingѕ firѕt. One оf thе mоѕt crucial aspectѕ tо соnѕidеr iѕ whаt type оf business уоu аrе mоѕt comfortable with.

Onе оf thе mоѕt imроrtаnt thingѕ whеn starting a business iѕ tо start a buѕinеѕѕ thаt is a rеflесtiоn оf уоur оwn interests. Stаrting a business thаt is bаѕеd around аn аrеа in whiсh уоu have expertise саn grеаtlу rеduсе thе learning сurvе and inсrеаѕе уоur сhаnсеѕ for ѕuссеѕѕ.

Aftеr аll, you will аlrеаdу have to lеаrn the inѕ and оutѕ оf running a business; starting a buѕinеѕѕ based аrоund a fаmiliаr ѕubjесt can mаkе gеtting thаt buѕinеѕѕ оff thе ground a grеаt dеаl easier.

Research the Avаilаbilitу of Smаll Business Lоаnѕ

Whеn it соmеѕ tо ѕtаrting a nеw business, it iѕ imроrtаnt to ѕееk out thе financing аnd hеlр tо which уоu are entitled. Starting a buѕinеѕѕ саn bе an еxреnѕivе proposition, but fоrtunаtеlу thеrе iѕ рlеntу of help аvаilаblе, in thе fоrm of grаntѕ, lоаnѕ аnd оthеr орроrtunitiеѕ.

It iѕ a good idea to thоrоughlу research thе аvаilаbilitу оf small buѕinеѕѕ loans аnd finаnсing before уоu start up thаt nеw buѕinеѕѕ, or else your endeavor would be like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Don’t get caught up in that.

Cоnѕult With a Tax Advisor and an Aссоuntаnt

Give yourself props for consulting with a tax аdviѕоr аnd аn ассоuntаnt bеfоrе starting thаt new business.

A gооd tаx аdviѕоr саn hеlр уоu reduce уоur tаx burden whilе thе buѕinеѕѕ gеtѕ gоing; while аn ассоuntаnt саn hеlр уоu ѕtruсturе уоur business in a wау that will mаximizе profit роtеntiаl, increasing thе сhаnсеѕ fоr ѕuссеѕѕ.

Writing a Buѕinеѕѕ Plan

Before уоu ѕtаrt уоur buѕinеѕѕ, it iѕ a good idеа tо writе a business рlаn. Thе buѕinеѕѕ рlаn is оnе of the mоѕt imроrtаnt dосumеntѕ уоu саn have when starting a buѕinеѕѕ.

Sеt Yоurѕеlf Frее Frоm thе Ninе Tо Fivе

Stаrting a buѕinеѕѕ is not аn easy рrосеѕѕ, but it саn bе аn important ѕtер tоwаrd gеtting thе finаnсiаl freedom you have аlwауѕ ѕtrivеd fоr. Starting a buѕinеѕѕ of уоur оwn can bе a great way tо achieve ѕuссеѕѕ аnd ѕеt уоurѕеlf frее frоm the nine-tо-fivе wоrld and cease to be just a sheep.




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Life just happens, good or bad, for many families out there in the United States. There’s no denying it. Single mothers, even single fathers: low-income families have a burden on their shoulders where basic bookkeeping becomes a stress of mammoth proportions due to the fact that there’s never enough income generated to pay necessary bills just to make it day by day.

So what has to be in place? Simply put, government aid. It’s almost a necessity for low-income families. But whether you think it’s a crutch or not, and whether many simply seem to take advantage of the benefits offered by the government, one thing is clear — even the families that do work hard seem to only make it by the skin of their teeth, having to pull from their next paychecks to pay back someone who lent money, or robbing “Peter” to pay numerous “Pauls,” because the fact is this — government aid can only do so much in comparison to personal finances (and, yet, there’s so much going into those funds that it may shock you).

Here Are Five Facts That Just Might Blow You Away With Respect to Government Aid and Low-Income Familieslow-income families

What Do These Facts Mean to You? That They Prove Benefits Don’t Benefit?

On the contrary…. They certainly make their mark. If it wasn’t for these programs, you’d have single parents on minimum wage or low-income families stuck in homeless shelters without any way to make the rent payment. That’s just a matter of fact….

But when you’ve got a certain fast-food chain making anywhere around $4.8BB in annual profits, it begs the question about employment — why not pay your workers what they earn with all the hours they put in, or want to put in, so they can get off of government aid and not have to pick and choose on their expenses?

Your average low-income worker will have just over $6K in annual income and about $11K in benefits for food, rent and child care. How’s that for a perspective on low-income families?

ITPN recognizes there’s a problem with the current system we have in place. So let’s fix it. Now.




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Life just happens, good or bad, for many families out there in the United States. There’s no denying it. Single mothers, even single fathers: low-income families have a burden on their shoulders where basic bookkeeping becomes a stress of mammoth proportions due to the fact that there’s never enough income generated to pay necessary bills just to make it day by day.

So what has to be in place? Simply put, government aid. It’s almost a necessity. But whether you think it’s a crutch or not, and whether many simply seem to take advantage of the benefits offered by the government, one thing is clear — even the families that do work hard seem to only make it by the skin of their teeth, having to pull from their next paychecks to pay back someone who lent money, or robbing “Peter” to pay numerous “Pauls,” because the fact is this — government aid can only do so much in comparison to personal finances (and, yet, there’s so much going into those funds that it may shock you).

Here Are Five Facts That Just Might Blow You Away With Respect to Government Aid and Low-Income Familieslow-income families

What Do These Facts Mean to You? That They Prove Benefits Don’t Benefit?

On the contrary…. They certainly make their mark. If it wasn’t for these programs, you’d have single parents on minimum wage or low-income families stuck in homeless shelters without any way to make the rent payment. That’s just a matter of fact….

But when you’ve got a certain fast-food chain making anywhere around $4.8BB in annual profits, it begs the question about employment — why not pay your workers what they earn with all the hours they put in, or want to put in, so they can get off of government aid and not have to pick and choose on their expenses?

Your average low-income worker will have just over $6K in annual income and about $11K in benefits for food, rent and child care. How’s that for a perspective?

ITPN recognizes there’s a problem with the current system we have in place. So let’s fix it. Now.




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Life just happens, good or bad, for many families out there in the United States. There’s no denying it. Single mothers, even single fathers: low-income families have a burden on their shoulders where basic bookkeeping becomes a stress of mammoth proportions due to the fact that there’s never enough income generated to pay necessary bills just to make it day by day.

So what has to be in place? Simply put, government aid. It’s almost a necessity. But whether you think it’s a crutch or not, and whether many simply seem to take advantage of the benefits offered by the government, one thing is clear — even the families that do work hard seem to only make it by the skin of their teeth, having to pull from their next paychecks to pay back someone who lent money, or robbing “Peter” to pay numerous “Pauls,” because the fact is this — government aid can only do so much in comparison to personal finances (and, yet, there’s so much going into those funds that it may shock you).

Here Are Five Facts That Just Might Blow You Away With Respect to Government Aid and Low-Income Familieslow-income families

What Do These Facts Mean to You? That They Prove Benefits Don’t Benefit?

On the contrary…. They certainly make their mark. If it wasn’t for these programs, you’d have single parents on minimum wage or low-income families stuck in homeless shelters without any way to make the rent payment. That’s just a matter of fact….

But when you’ve got a certain fast-food chain making anywhere around $4.8BB in annual profits, it begs the question about employment — why not pay your workers what they earn with all the hours they put in, or want to put in, so they can get off of government aid and not have to pick and choose on their expenses?

Your average low-income worker will have just over $6K in annual income and about $11K in benefits for food, rent and child care. How’s that for a perspective on low-income families?

ITPN recognizes there’s a problem with the current system we have in place. So let’s fix it. Now.




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Life just happens, good or bad, for many families out there in the United States. There’s no denying it. Single mothers, even single fathers: low-income families have a burden on their shoulders where basic bookkeeping becomes a stress of mammoth proportions due to the fact that there’s never enough income generated to pay necessary bills just to make it day by day.

So what has to be in place? Simply put, government aid. It’s almost a necessity for low-income families. But whether you think it’s a crutch or not, and whether many simply seem to take advantage of the benefits offered by the government, one thing is clear — even the families that do work hard seem to only make it by the skin of their teeth, having to pull from their next paychecks to pay back someone who lent money, or robbing “Peter” to pay numerous “Pauls,” because the fact is this — government aid can only do so much in comparison to personal finances (and, yet, there’s so much going into those funds that it may shock you).

Here Are Five Facts That Just Might Blow You Away With Respect to Government Aid and Low-Income Familieslow-income families

What Do These Facts Mean to You? That They Prove Benefits Don’t Benefit?

On the contrary…. They certainly make their mark. If it wasn’t for these programs, you’d have single parents on minimum wage or low-income families stuck in homeless shelters without any way to make the rent payment. That’s just a matter of fact….

But when you’ve got a certain fast-food chain making anywhere around $4.8BB in annual profits, it begs the question about employment — why not pay your workers what they earn with all the hours they put in, or want to put in, so they can get off of government aid and not have to pick and choose on their expenses?

Your average low-income worker will have just over $6K in annual income and about $11K in benefits for food, rent and child care. How’s that for a perspective on low-income families?

ITPN recognizes there’s a problem with the current system we have in place. So let’s fix it. Now.




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You’re probably wondering how you could possibly make money just from receiving our benefits. Easy. As a member of ITPN, we’ll put it in perspective for you: if you refer just one friend or family member to us each month, this is what you get, right in your pocket: $40 for each referral.income tax family

That’s $480 each year. In your pocket. Get the picture? Makes the Income Tax Planning Network’s $25/month membership seem like pennies when you think about it. And that’s just when you refer only one person a month to us. Want to do the math if you refer five people to us? Or ten people?

How can you not take advantage of this unique benefit?

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Thank you for being a part of this family. Please do call our office at 888-203-3030 to set up your free marketing training, starting you off on generating revenue with us right away.




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